

Hello people.

Well its almost summer time! (what time is it, its summer time...)
And since it is summer and I'm not taking computers next year, this will be one of my last posts because I'm not going to go onto this blog just for fun. I only have it because I had to.

But i cant wait till we are actualy out of school! Finaly I get to go see my cousins I haven't seen for about 4 years and I'm working this year at SUBWAY eat fresh!


The story of my life!

HAHA! This boat that you see in the distance in the picture has a very funny story behind it. I would tell you it but you'll just get bored so to make a long story short its about me having to sit next to this only lady since it was full and that old lady scared the crap out of me!

She was very wierd and tried to comunicate to my in a language i don't even know.
Well that the story of my life. Joke, that some random story that happened to me once on vacations.


Random Talk

Well i was very bored with my friend and so we were looking at random stuff and talking about random things as well.

So if you people out there want to listen to my wierd conversations with my friends and myself, then go check it out since this is a podcast.

Having fun with Friendz.

Well here i am having some fun with my Friends. Just like the cats in this picture, well not exactly but something like that.

AWWWW!! There soooo cute!

Attached to this blog is a podcast of me and my friend.



This song is called Six feet under the stars, by all time low. another good song from them is called Dear Maria. If you have a friend called Maria its really fun to anoy them with it :P


A Great and Terrible Beauty!

A Great and Terrible Beauty is another book that is really good. A Great and Terrible Beauty is a Trilogy of books, 1-A Great and Terrible Beauty 2-Rebel Angels 3-The Sweet Far Thing.

These book is all fantasy, they are about a girl called Gemma, she has this unusual power given to her by her mother, but she has to protect it from the evil people/spirits. She learns about her power when she is at Spence Academy, and that is where she finds out the truth about her mother.

Here is a page where you can go tp find out more about Libbia Bray's books.

Twilight movie! the real deal.

Twilight has many fans, that would like to see it become a movie, and they will be able to see it become a movie by the end of the year. 12-12-08.

Here is a video you can watch in which you can see some shots fromt he real set in Twilight. You even get an introduction of the characters and they tell you what they think of the filming.


More about Twilight!

Well you poeple readding my blog might already know that there is going to be a Twilight movie. Here is a website where you can go to read more about it, and see pictures they have taken from the set and videos.

The website is really cool because you can see so many pictures of the real cast and crew.
On the left are the cast that are playing in twilight the movie.


Do you know me?

Do you know me??

Well no you don't know anything about me actually but this is one thing that i will tell you about me:

There is this book series that me and my friends LOVE. It's called the Twilight series. (1. Twilight, 2. New Moon, 3. Eclipse, and soon to come, 4. Breaking dawn).

You might know this series, and you probably like it. All of my weird friends are in love with Edward (the vampire) but in the 4Th book I want him to die, so that it isn't a happy story like every other book, but i know that will probably not happen.

For those of you that don't know what this book is about, it's about a girl, Bella that moves in with her father, Charlie, and falls in-love with Edward, the vampire, but she doesn't know that vampires exists, just like anyone else. What Bella doesn't know that she "smells" really good for Edward and when he first "smelled" her he wanted to kill her right there and right then. But at the end they are together but there are complications in the relationship and know her life.

If you want to find out more about it go to stepheniemeyer.com
or read her book.



Hello everyone, once again.

This is a picture of where I live, Venus. It's a really nice planet and I really love it. One of the thing I love about it is that it has purple in it and as you all already know my favorite color is purple.

If you want to know more about it then go research it or something.

till next time,
